Traveling to Switzerland

Hello everyone!!!

Today I want to talk about how my travel experience by bus from Venice to Switzerland, and how I prepared myself for this 8-hr ride.

As usual I woke up, had breakfast and since I had some time to kill before taking the bus I decided to go once again to the supermarket to buy some souvenirs and also food for my journey. I did some research online on what to buy to take back to the U.S., I found out that there is such thing as pocket coffee which is a chocolate filled with liquid coffee made by the Ferrero brand. when it came to it I was a little confused because at first I thought that you had to mix it with hot water and it will be like a latte… later on after trying it out this way and failing poorly I decided to go online, again! and read more on it. Still was unclear about how to eat it but then you know “logically” if you cannot drink it then you would have to eat it so I did, and I have to say that it is interesting. Not the best chocolate that I have tried, but I guess if you are in a hurry and need coffee you can eat one at your convenience… sorry for going into many details about pocket coffee. So going back to what to buy at the supermarket to take back to the U.S. I also found recommendations about buying fig and marroni spread which is like jam; Pan di Stella that supposedly true Italians eat it for breakfast; pasta; sauce for pasta; and of course olive oil which I did not buy because it would be too heavy and I still had to carry my luggage around for another month. I am going to fast forward to the present right now, I want to say that the Pan do Stella is delicious! if you can grab more than one bag, it is sweet and of course it tastes like chocolate and hazelnut but the great thing about it is that it is not a heavy cookie and it is also not overwhelmingly sweet; and so far I have only opened the marroni spread, which I have to say it is sweet but good, and really good on toast.

Going back to getting ready to the journey to Switzerland, I also bought some gelato for the road, yogurt with Milka chocolate, some cheese puffs, croissants, and water of course. I was in heaven, eating gelato and watching Netflix on my way to Switzerland without having to drive myself and not sharing the seat with anyone! omg so good. I got to-day that the gelato sold at the supermarkets is also delicious. The road was nice, beautiful views, no problems, accidents, just a little bit of traffic but I didn’t have to worry about it since I was not driving, just relaxing and enjoying.

When I got to Zürich, Switzerland my sister was already waiting for me at the bus station, the bus was about 20-30 minutes late and she was patiently waiting for me, I am so grateful! From there we took the metro to her apartment and her and her boyfriend made something that right now I cannot remember the name but its like oats with yogurt and fruit and is typical in Switzerland. After that I just unpacked and slept, I was so tired and it felt so nice to finally sleep in a familiar place even though it was my first time in Zurich but since I was with my sister it felt so comfortable. Let me tell you a little bit more about my sister and why she is living in Switzerland, She graduated in 2017 with her Bachelor’s degree and now she is doing her Master’s in Switzerland… You might be asking why Switzerland? well to answer that question I will say this: Love. Back in 2014 she met her boyfriend, he was an exchange student from Switzerland and they have been together ever since. they have always found ways to not let distance interfere in their relationship, they would plan trips together, my sister at some point went to France for almost a year and a half so they were closer to one another. Love is more powerful than we can imagine… Knowing her, after she reads this she will pretty much tell me that this was not the reason why she moved to Switzerland but it was because the Master’s degree program was cheaper and good… To that I would say: There were many thing that influenced her decision to move there but the most important one was love. By the way my sister is kind of shy when it come to talking about love and things like that, that’s why she might tell me something about what I just wrote.

Hope everyone enjoys reading this post, I know it is a little off the topic or maybe not entirely about traveling but it just felt right.

Once again if anyone needs any help planning a trip, or have questions just let me know! I will be more than happy to help.


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